d clock

Rabu, 10 November 2010

Soal Remidi kelas XI

Nilai dibawah 70 remidi ....

1. Explain what you know about the Internet and its usages
2. What is meant by e-mail and what are the advantages?
3. Mention the basic things you should know when you choose an ISP to access the Internet.
4. Mention several operating systems which can be used to access the Internet.
5. What does TCP/IP stand for?
6. Explain briefly about the history of the Internet at Indonesia.
7. Mention at least 5 facilities which can be used when accessing the Internet.
8. Mention several equipments which must be provided in order to access the Internet.
9. Mention types of modem which can be used to access the Internet
10. Mention five website addresses which provide free e-mail service.

Dikumpulkan dikertas paling lambat 3 hari setelah diumumkan untuk remidi.

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